Sunday, April 11, 2010

summer swimming

A friend emailed me this morning about enrolling my kids to swimming lesson this summer. I have been thinking about it last week and finally decided to enroll them to have their summer a worth time for them. My two girls, if there's a perfect slot for them, will start next week. My older one already knew the basic stroke since she did swimming lesson few years ago. While my little one knew a little stroke on her own. I browsed some tips on how to avoid being burnt out this summer. I'll take early morning session for them.


  1. awwww so cute naman ng little lady swimmer hehehehehe..

  2. wow! how exciting.....:) we are planning to put Akesha to a swimming lesson too...kaso d pa summer dito eh...umuulan!

  3. i am planning to enroll my daughter in a swimming lesson next summer.

    btw, added this site on my blog roll. i grabbed you badge too. you can see it here...

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