Saturday, May 1, 2010


We celebrate Saint Joseph the Worker or traditional Labor Day all over the world today, May 1. It's another long weekend for us but for some, it is a busy working day. My closest friend who lives in US might be a little busy by this time too. He just informed me yesterday about this scamdicappers and was thinking about getting a premium subscription later. Although he was not really surprise about it, he still checked the best handicapper. I heard about this site before for best sports handicappers and now I found myself browsing the site and telling other friends to check the website too.

He may or may not try it but it will surely give him a cool time to gather more news or a sort of entertainment for a while. He asked me who is the best handicappers to follow and I clearly answered him back that I go for NFL. Why on earth did he ask me about this. And whom should I go or follow? Well then, I told him to check it for himself as I have no knowledge about it. Maybe for horse racing betting like him who is an expert and not handicapping business would be far more easier to answer.

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