Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

This is my first time to join Ruby Tuesday and my first entry would be another Hibiscus. Two Hibiscus tagged in a row.

My first ever Hibiscus model who gladly posed for the camera, my sister. Lol. Taken at the resort last Saturday.


  1. what a lovely gumamela sis! ang ganda din ng pose ng sister mo.. hehehe

  2. Walang tatalo dyan sa model na gumamela hehehe, di yan malalanta for sure! Love your camera's shots sis!

  3. Nuts, welcome to Ruby Tuesday! :) Lovely shots of the hibiscus, especially with the model. ^_^
    Ang sarap magswimming!

    My RT entry is here.

  4. hi sis, i'm inviting you to join my giveaway - http://www.melandriaromero.net/2010/05/be-beautiful-and-win-avon-anew-360.html

  5. I do love hibiscus. We have several here in our back and front yard. Aren't they lovely.

    Welcome to Ruby Tuesday.

    FLAGSHIP - Ruby Tuesday

  6. hahhaha....ganda naman ng gumamela model...fresh na fresh...ehehehe!

  7. Hello mommy Nuts, your model is cute! I hope I could see you modeling that pretty red hibiscus there.. for sure, you're adorable.. :) So then, happy Ruby Tuesday! muahhh!

    Here's mine:
    My Ruby Tuesday: Lip Glosses and a Cake Art

    See yah.. ;-)
