I always thought of buying DSLR for myself but when husband came home for vacation and gave me a cybershot, buying that camera was set aside. Although the resolution of this camera is quite good, my desire to own DSLR is still on my mind. When we went to the beach few weeks ago, my camera suddenly stopped working for no reason at all. I really don't know what happened and why a sudden stop but when I consulted a service for camera, the technician said that the power board needs to be repaired. I thought about it many times whether to leave my camera in the hands of technician or not. I am full of doubt leaving my camera to them besides I still need to check if it is still covered with warranty.
Now that it is not working, I am considering of buying a DSLR again. I have a little earnings which I really saved and allocated for camera and if that happens, I'll be one happy owner of DSLR. I would suggest to a friend who wants to buy a camera too that she can have it if she applies for bad credit loans. It is a kind of loan for someone who has bad credit. Honestly, I'm scared of any kind of loan that's why I saved hard just to have that camera for myself. Well then, since my friend badly needed it as a tool for her blogging, I'm quite sure she will check it out.
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