Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I am invited

I attended the conference at school yesterday morning for my little girl. I saw some of my co-parents and have a little talk after the meeting. We know each other well as we've been together since our children were in grade one. One of my co-parents told me that her son will have a party next month. She handed me an invitation card and asked me to bring along my kids at the party. The invitation card is unusual, it's pretty but I told her it doesn't fit for the theme of the party. Maybe she doesn't know yet about luau invitations. I quickly referred her to the site so the next time she'll have the party again, she can choose a better one to suit for the occasion. I am not much into invitation. Sometimes I just call the guest over the phone but I think it is very informal to invite them that way. My thought is that, instead of spending it for an invitation, I can use it for other materials for the party. But I was wrong, an invitation is such a very sweet way of inviting someone where you can put the name, date and theme of the occasion. What do you consider in choosing an invitation? Do you want it personalized with your own design? Check out the site now to help you decide and choose the best one for the occasion.


  1. Waaw! your blog looks comfy. :) I know ate made it for you. haha! care to xbadge with pibyang,Elijah's Crib, us?

  2. i like personalized invitations too :)
