Thursday, July 15, 2010

camp in an island

I have list of favorite blogs in my organizer so as not to miss any post from them. Some are mommy blogs, few are personal, travel and food blogs. Recently, I hooked myself in one travel blog that I frequently visit these past few days. The author of the blog is a traveler wherein blogging is considered as one of his greatest passion. He not only posts beautiful photos of his travel but also rates his travel and do some recommendations too. He travels at least twice a month and do island hopping from time to time. Recently, he discovered a very beautiful island in southern part of Luzon. The island has no facilities yet and it can only be reached by boat. There is no available flight going into the place so one needs to spend as much as ten hours to travel, both land and boat to reach the island. When I saw photos published in his website, I was mesmerized by the mystic scene and how he actually described and recommended the place. That excites me so much and gave me the urge to visit next year. They've brought camping materials and tent during their last visit. Relaxing and spending time is unlimited in the island where all you could hear is your own breath and chirping birds and insects at night. I would love to spend a day or two in the island but before that, I think I will need to look for some camper parts like portable cooking equipment, generator, tent and other camping materials to survive for at least a day or two in the island. I will link the website later so you'll know know more about the island that I am blogging about.

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