Once you find what you want for web hosting, earning online will be much easier for you. Yes, you read it right! It only takes a click of the mouse and you get the business right there in your hand. You don't need to research further since the options are already provided ready for your pick. While blogging becomes a daily journal to many, other people blog for posting news, bulletin, events, advertising and monetizing. Since everything is provided and can be learned, there is no need anymore to hire a geeky for assistance.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Web Site Hosting
Once you find what you want for web hosting, earning online will be much easier for you. Yes, you read it right! It only takes a click of the mouse and you get the business right there in your hand. You don't need to research further since the options are already provided ready for your pick. While blogging becomes a daily journal to many, other people blog for posting news, bulletin, events, advertising and monetizing. Since everything is provided and can be learned, there is no need anymore to hire a geeky for assistance.
Nostalgia #20
My entry for Nostalgia. Please visit other entries for more nostalgic moment. The host of this weekly meme is Beautiful Rose of Nostalgic Marveling.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Getting a Good Tan
Ruby Tuesday

My entry for Ruby Tuesday.
Please visit other entries by clicking on the link above.
Please visit other entries by clicking on the link above.
Monday, September 27, 2010
SEO, a search engine optimization, is not just a decoration to your website but serves as marketing arm to facilitate everything and put your site on top. This is what I really needed as I'm not really knowledgeable on how to optimize even traffic in my blog. Or shall I say, I am now confident with seo to handle the job.
MYM: My Little Photographer
Sunday, September 26, 2010
We're Back Home!
I miss life in the province with these in my mind, sleep in a hammock, breakfast in nipa hut, and of course if I may wish for more, a high speed internet so that I could blog while at the same time enjoying vacation.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Dirt Bike
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Infiniti Vehicles
Nostalgia # 19: Halayang Kalabasa
My children were surprised since it was their first time to see this recipe and could hardly believe it just taste so good and didn't even realize it was made of squash. I told them my mother used to cook this kind of dessert since we have tons of squash that we grow in the farm then. Halayang Kalabasa just reminds me how sweet our mother was for preparing this kind of dessert. If not with my co-parent, I wouldn't be able to tell my children about Halayang kalabasa and how it has become the sweetest part of our childhood years. Thanks Melody for this special dessert.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Home Office Furniture
I turn green with envy for my friend online who never leave the house and do her business at home. She's even more productive in doing so, can take a nap in a while, can eat anytime she wants or an unlimited coffee break right inside the house. I only dream of having this kind of business. How lucky and hassle free job it can be without even leaving the house.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Short Breaks
Basketball Madness

Photos below are not mine. Daughter took these shots during the basketball game last Thursday and she was cheering for yellow. She and her classmates went home in gloomy face when their school lost the game.

My entry for Ruby Tuesday.
Please visit other entries by clicking on the link above.
Please visit other entries by clicking on the link above.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Support to Growling Tigers
Saturday, September 18, 2010
rush invitation
Materials needed: cutting board, cutter, scissors, puncher, ruler
specialty board 40 pcs (10 pcs at P45.50, roughly $1) $4
specialty paper 80 pcs (10pcs/pack at P25.00) $4
ribbon $1
envelope 5pcs/pack at P20.oo (P20 x 16pack=P320) $7
Estimated cost = P700 roughly $16. These are only my estimated prize. The cost may vary depending on the material you will use. Specialty board is best for invitation and business cards. Now, I'm publishing this to advertise our product. You may contact me at my email address should you need any rush invitation card. Half kidding! lol. I just want to share the product of our eye bags.
Friday, September 17, 2010
I Need Ink
Worried with Blackheads
Boost High Protein
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Nostalgia #18
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Joining Pep Squad?
Ups and Downs
I want to get fit!
terrible headache
Forex Seminars
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Let's Party!
Little Asia at Venice Piazza
Monday, September 13, 2010
unbearable pain
ParenTIN.tv Talk Series
My Mellow Yellow Monday.
blog event,
mellow yellow monday,
parentin. parenting
missed opportunity
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Dream House
Now I have no problem at all when I need a builder. Of course, I know whom to call. For pool, I trust only Austin Swimming Pool. All furniture will be in detailed and will hire an interior designer for the house. I know I'm just dreaming so this post is unlimited but I am not giving up yet with my dream house. I wish that all these will come true someday. If winning a lottery would be my only hope, then I'll keep on betting until all my dream house comes true.
Evans Family Law
When everything has turned sour, couple need to agree for a certain set up in a divorce including child support, adoptions, grandparents rights, child custody and all matter related to it. They must face the consequences so that little mind won't suffer the outcome of separation. When things get rough, and you don't know what to do, Austin Divorce Lawyer will help you deal difficult situation like this.
Nostalgia # 17 i wanna be a billionaire

did you know that
we had to move countless number of balloons one by one after each celebration.
and so I always grabbed the chance to whisper a wish for every balloon that I flew to the air.
Gold! Oh Gold! And we had to make some inventory after each of the event to check that no spoon or fork is missing. I don't know how much it costs for a piece. I forgot but as far as I remember, I was astounded when one of the staff told us about thousands of dollars cost for each of the utensils. Weee.. I wanna be a billionaire, so freakin bad!
My entry for Nostalgia. Please visit other entries for more nostalgic moment. The host of this weekly meme is Beautiful Rose of Nostalgic Marveling.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Senior Living
At Senior Living Plano, retirees live a life with pleasure. A convenient life like strolling in a landscaped garden, swimming in a luxury pool while reminiscing beautiful past and quiet moment in a chapel are just a perfect view of senior living with style. What a beautiful community! I hope to live a life like this when I reach my retirement age.
Glee- Season 2
Probate Lawyer
I remember one time when my best friend asked me to accompany her to a lawyer, we headed the office right away knowing the office will have the answers to all her queries. She briefly explained the problem but the lawyer seemed to be very busy that time, asked few questions and hurried himself for another appointment. Anyways, after filing the case in a different office, she's happy now that the case was resolved but it took her many months for the whole process. If we only have Probate Lawyer Austin here, everything would have been much easier for her.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
captured moments
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Heart's Content of a Mama Giveaway
Yey! I'm joining the contest and this is my official entry! It's Heart's Content of a Mama first giveaway contest on her 2nd blog anniversary. And this is open to all bloggers. Contest will run from August 25 to September 25. So hurry up, join us now!
Here are the prizes waiting for the lucky winners!
First Prize: Maybelline New York eyeliner and mascara, Ardell's fashion lashes starter kit, L'oreal infallible lipstic, L'oreal eyeshadow, Diandra eyeshadow trio, blue mountain arts wallet card, magnet souvenir from Warren, PA. I will also include the two Beanie baby's Hello Kitty plush toys.

Second Prize: L'oreal eye shadow, Madeleine Mono cosmetics viva diva eye shadow collection and color plus lipstick, Diandra mascara black, Diandra eye crayon, Hallmark Disney princess sticker sheet, blue mountain arts wallet card, magnet souvenir from Warren, PA and a Beany baby Hello Kitty plush toy key chain.

Third Prize: L'oreal lipstick, Avon lipstick, Avon true color blush, Avon blendable eyeshadow duo, Blue mountain arts wallet card, Hallmark glitter sticker sheet and a Beany baby Hello Kitty plush toy key chain.

Special Prizes (I will use the entrant's emails, so be sure to leave it in this post.):
*A special prize (ONE) winner will win 30 dollars paypal cash.
*Another special prize (one) winner will win a one month advertisement Adgitize gift card.
Now for the mechanics:
*Subscribe to feed: Heart's content of a mama, Seasons and seasonings, Arty Bluejay - 3 points
*Google follow blogs: Heart's content of a mama, Seasons and seasonings, Arty bluejay - 3 points
*Tweet about giveaway - 1 point (make sure it goes to @melcoleofpausa) tweet only once, and leave your link back in this post.
*Shout about giveaway in Facebook - 1 point (shout only once and make sure to leave the link back in this post).
*Blog about the giveaway with prizes and mechanics - 1 point
*Add the above three blogs in your blog roll. - 3 points
*Place the giveaway badge anywhere in your right side bar. - 1 point
Multiple blogs are welcome. Only one user per blog and email account.
Medicare Plan Process
Thursday, September 2, 2010
RFID Blocking Wallet
Nostalgia #16
I just love staring at these photos. Memories of their childhood flashback into my mind. They are
not really grown up yet, not even a teenager but I feel that time flies so very fast. Sooner, they will become full bloom ladies ready to take the world of their own.
My entry for Nostalgia. Please visit other entries for more nostalgic moment. The host of this weekly meme is Beautiful Rose of Nostalgic Marveling.
I Want a Camcorder
Term Life Insurance
I won! I won!

Me and my Passion
Thank you so much Dhemz for giving us all the chance of joining the contest. To all my co-winners, congratulations! To all, please watch out for more and coming giveaways!
Thank you so much Dhemz for giving us all the chance of joining the contest. To all my co-winners, congratulations! To all, please watch out for more and coming giveaways!
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