Saturday, September 18, 2010

rush invitation

At last, we're finally done with the invitation card. When we started this invitation, I thought it was a tiring job but it's not. We spent almost overnight for printing, cutting, putting ribbon and some finishing touch. We used the combination of pastel peach, powder blue and light blue for the materials. So here's what you will need in making invitation card and the sample computation for 80 pieces.

Materials needed: cutting board, cutter, scissors, puncher, ruler

specialty board 40 pcs (10 pcs at P45.50, roughly $1) $4
specialty paper 80 pcs (10pcs/pack at P25.00) $4
ribbon $1
envelope 5pcs/pack at P20.oo (P20 x 16pack=P320) $7

Estimated cost = P700 roughly $16. These are only my estimated prize. The cost may vary depending on the material you will use. Specialty board is best for invitation and business cards. Now, I'm publishing this to advertise our product. You may contact me at my email address should you need any rush invitation card. Half kidding! lol. I just want to share the product of our eye bags.


  1. nice color combination nuts :D m really biased on blue but i didn't realize it'll be perfect with peach. thanks for the comment re: our boracay getaway. Boracay is just there, ipon na. worth it! ;D tsk

    A Time to Weep and a Time to Laugh

  2. ayay! invited ba ako? nyahahhaha...ganda nang bizniz mo te...pede mag apply!? hehehehe...:)

  3. nice! galing! love the colors.. : ) especially peach.. : )

  4. Wow enrepreneur. It's worth the pagod nd sleepness nights. Galing. GAnda!
