Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Home Warranty

My sister lives down south with her family. We get to visit them once a year or when there is special occasion to attend to or simply family get together.

Photos below were taken last year the night before we went to a nearby resort. Kids get to play even at night. The community is very quiet and very safe to live and children can even play under the moonlight.

All my siblings are close and simply serves as a comfort zone for each other. The last time I went there in my sister's house was last year. I get to talk with her often whenever she needs advise particularly about the kids.

When I visited her sometime last year, we talk about the house and she told me that the new phase that was once were exclusive for company employees are now open to non members. I told her that it is a must to secure a HMS Home Warranty. I further explained that home owners won't have any burden for house repair anymore with home warranty. This will save costly repair after a year even the house with high maintenance.