Sunday, December 19, 2010

Carpet Cleaning

I started cleaning our house few days ago to invite the positive vibes as I welcome 2011 which is about to come in few weeks time. I also want to purchase new items for the house. When I was at the store the other day, I noticed some sale items in home furniture. Carpet price was marked down too. My two daughters requested to purchase carpet mat for our living room. It is not in our list of priority items to acquire but they love to have it anyway. They just want to lay down in a carpet while watching their favorite movie. But contrary to their idea, I always thought that carpet would be an instant mat for our pet. Although my pet dog already knew some house rules, still there will come a time where he will unexpectedly pee in the mat leaving a horrible smell in the room. No matter how ready I am with my cleaning materials, still I couldn't manage to clean it in an expert way. Now I can't imagine should our pet do this even once. If we have carpet cleaning Portland, then it won't be a problem anymore as they leave the carpet smelling fresh with no traces of bad odor after all.

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