Monday, February 28, 2011

Mellow Yellow Monday

Yellow filled the anniversary celebration of Occasions of Joy. Yellow means happiness and joy. All happy moms came in yellow too.

Me and Joyful mom as she celebrates her blog anniversary.
More stories posted here.

and more yellow...mellow yellow..

Me and Jenny. We actually have a surprise number but time prevented us in doing so. Lol. Don't ask why I had to wear jacket here. I just needed one, you know.

More yellow post here.
My Mellow Yellow Monday.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Love Shoes!

I can relate when people say they work for shoes. Although I don't earn that much, I allocate a big part of my money for my shoes. I don't only go for stylish or trendy shoes but also for the quality. Same goes to my children. I always pick a brand with good quality and let them choose only for the style that they want. I found this shop online that provides a high quality yet very trendy for their school shoes. My daughters, one in 3rd secondary level and one in fifth grade level this coming school year, are quite very picky in choosing their footwear especially for their school shoes. I don't want to end up buying cheaper ones and suffer the quality that will last only for a month. They need durable shoes that are also comfortable to wear for a whole day stay at school.

In choosing school shoes, always choose the shoes that give a good support and shoes that breathe so as not to get their feet sweaty. Remember that these shoes are to be worn for many hours and they should not be too big nor too small for their feet. Whether they are running, dancing, tennis or school shoes, comfort should always come first. We all have different shoe types and so the needs of our feet differ from each others too. I go for heeled shoes. They give me comfort when walking. Sounds ironic but I feel comfortable with it.

My Rider's Digest Moment

I got stuck in a traffic last Thursday on my way to NSO office so I got my Reader's Digest copy that I always carry with me and read an article featuring Michael J. Fox's recipe for happiness.

Just want to share what I have read about MJF and Reader's Digest:

Reader's Digest: Share some advice on parenting that begins "Always....."

MJF: Always be available to your kids. Because if you say, "Give me five minutes, give me ten minutes", it'll be 15, it'll be 20. And then when you get there, the shine will have worn off whatever it is they wanted to share with you. I've never gotten up to see something one of my kids wanted to show me and not be rewarded.

I can stand in any traffic as long I have something worth reading like Reader's Digest.

Please find A-Z Direct Marketing, Inc. at Facebook or call direct to subscribe.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday Lunch

Daughter has been requesting Relyenong Bangus for our weekend menu. Saturday is supposed to be a steal day. I usually cook Spring Roll, Adobo and Sauteed Beans. Since I woke up so late today, I headed to the nearest restaurant and ordered Relyenong Bangus, not bad for a price of $4 for one piece. I am not really taking much effort with what we eat whether it is full of calories. What I am aiming now is to get rid of at least 5 pounds in a year. I want it gradual, because the more I abstain from eating yummy food, the more I crave and that resulted to instant pounds added to my weight. The best weight loss supplements are the most in demand these days. But for now, I would stick to my usual amount of food, less of fats, more veggies. The picture below is Relyenong Bangus with carrots and potatoes. Just perfect for our weekend diet.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nostalgia 41: Remembering EDSA People Power

I was in 3rd year high school when EDSA People Power happened. I was already aware that time of what was happening around the country. My sister who was in college the time went to EDSA all the way from Batangas and joined the rally. I could still recall that day how proud she was to have been a part of the People Power.
It was February 25, 1986 when President Marcos stepped down from his throne after two decades of dictatorship. Today, I kept telling my children about EDSA People Power by which I have witnessed in my generation. I couldn't imagine how people were united that time despite the fact that internet and social media did not even yet exist. Today, the recent protests of other countries like Egypt, Libya and Greece remind me of our own People Power that sets the world a history for a bloodless revolution. Unlike their rallies and protests, ours was a peaceful revolution with only prayers, rosaries and flowers used as arms to end the dictatorship. Watching the video of 1986 People Power made me feel proud to be a Filipino!

I am linking this to Nostalgia. Please visit other entries for more nostalgic moment. The host of this weekly meme is Beautiful Rose of Nostalgic Marveling.

Photo source: internet

Shed Off Extra Pounds

I actually weighed 130 pounds two months ago. From that day on, I stayed off from weighing myself and just relied on the amount of food that I eat every meal. More or less, my weight stayed the same or maybe I lost only a pound or two. I wonder how celebrities shed off their extra pounds quickly. You will see them today with extra large size body and slimmer the following day. Are they undergoing cosmetic surgery or just taking pills or over the counter appetite suppressants? Anyways, a billboard ad few weeks ago created a controversy in the showbiz industry. It's about the tweet that insulted an actress in her billboard although it was not directly named after her. I guess it will push the actress to get herself slimmer to prove the authenticity of the ad.


If only I have kept all my magazines, I would have a tons of copies of them. I gave some of them to my sister while others were already sold for donation purposes. I love parenting and lifestyle magazines. I got this August 2010 back issue of Mod Magazine "The Big Money Issue." I find it very interesting to read aside from my favorite article from beauty, kitchen and fashion section.

Besides the fact that I can read magazines electronically, I still grab a copy of a MOD magazine because I find it more entertaining. When I'm away from any websites and when I'm in my bed, magazines are my company.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Facial Treatment on Weekend

I'll be going out with a blogger friend on Saturday for an Intense Diamond Peel. I can't wait to see myself with a clearer facial skin after treatment. It is a one session gift certificate given to us when I attended a blog anniversary of Occasions of Joy. I don't pay much attention to my pimples when they appear since they easily subside in a day or two. I have a complete set of facial treatment at home using only one brand from facial foam to moisturizer. I'm blessed to have a clear face and definitely an acne would scare me if it appears. I would surely look for the best acne solutions. Visiting a derm clinic would be a regular weekend schedule for me. I think this is just a sign of a woman who is starting to live in a middle age. I am not a late bloomer, I guess. I just want to hide these wrinkles and acne that sometimes last until middle age and other blemishes that are starting to appear in my face.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

School/Tuition Fee Increase

Daughter just told me last night that the school administrator issued a new memo about the tuition fee increase for the next school year. With the increasing prices of goods, the school cannot control anymore and will have to take necessary adjustment with the tuition and school fees to maintain a quality education through financial support. I have no idea yet on the percentage increase because she was already in her bed when she told me the news and was already in a half sleep mode. She forgot to give me that memo this morning but I am posting it here anyway just so my husband will know and will have an idea about the increase making it easier for him to plan the fees ahead. The cost of education increases every year.


I just read the memo and it says that parents are invited for Tuition Increase Consultation next week. There is no figure yet or percentage increase indicated in the memo.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hunky Male Celebrity

I got a few magazines for my collections now. Some are availed free from my previous events while others came from my own subscription. I read a lot when I'm off from blogging. I have few men's magazine too and keep the copy of the controversial hunk actor that put him into limelight last year. He has my full respect anyway because I believe he has his own reason and that the people should not be judgmental to anybody else. I chose not to mention his name for he is now starting to build his life and just launched his own perfume business recently. Can you guess who is this celebrity? Anyways, I saw his poster in a mall the other day and thought about how he maintained his look at his age. He can still pose for a sexy men's magazine. I wonder if he takes enzyte too. Girls look at him very appealing besides the fact that he is still being linked to a prominent cosmetic surgeon. I would love to meet him personally and would name this actor when I already got a photo op with him.

Private Iris at Powerbooks

During the launch of Private Iris Case 15 launch, we had the opportunity to take a pic with the creator and writer of the book, Jaime Bautista and Arnold Arre.

PRIVATE IRIS is a book both for parents and kids. It is recommended for today's generation as it tackles values aside from reading and fun learning tips on money management.

More yellow post here.
My Mellow Yellow Monday.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Get Back Into Shape

I just came home from a blog anniversary party and uploaded the photos at once from my camera. I was so excited to see the pictures from the event but I was totally disappointed to see almost all my photos with my bulging tummy. It looks so ugly and I couldn't hide it anymore with the fitting blouse that I wore. I should not blame the tops but the calories I have acquired in the previous days and and skipping the diet plan I have prepared for myself. I shall look for the best diet pill review to see the best plan for me. Today, I totally lost control with the yummy food that the party host served for us. If I may count, maybe, I have taken thousands of calories for my heavy lunch today. Sigh. I am desperate and want to see my self fit again in a size 28 pants. I certainly need lots of discipline to achieve this. If you see my photos being posted here, well, I am just good at hiding my tummy.

Congratulations Joy Of Occasions of Joy

for a very successful 1st blog anniversary celebration! I'm glad and honored to be part of the event. More power! Will post the photos and details later.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Looking For a New Job

I just received an email from a friend abroad who just resigned from her work in a telecommunication company. She is now looking for a better career because she feels that she's not compensated from her previous job anymore. Funny that the company offered her a raise that would compensate her skills when she already filed a resignation. I told her that she should not have resigned since she had no assurance of getting employed in the new company. There are available tech jobs online and she submitted her resume but she's still waiting for a reply for possible employment. Days are getting harder these days but we cannot blame these people who resigned because they are not getting compensated for their work at all.

Private Iris Case 15 Launch

We just arrived from Private Iris Case 15 Launch at Powerbooks, MOA today and had a photo op with writers behind the book. Will post about the Case 15 launch later. Private Iris is the first detective comic book series published by Blue Cow Co., Inc. that tackles mysteries to be solved by none other than the detective herself, Private Iris.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Vacation Wishlist

If you wish to spend a holiday, where do you want to go? My wish would be in Venice and if I'd be given a chance, a simple holiday with family in an apartment would be fine with me. Holiday Apartment rentals are available in Europe where you can choose a vacation according to your budget whether a simple apartment or a luxury villas. I would definitely settle for a holiday that offers a great value for my budget. For now, I could only dream of a holiday but definitely not very soon, not even in locals and too impossible in Europe. I have too many wishes and vacations in my mind but hey, a wish list is a wish. I can put all the countries that I want to visit in the future. Italy, France, Greece, Japan and Australia.

Nostalgia 40: Remembering High School

Time flies! Imagine that long 25 years! These ladies were acting like high school girls again. Haha. Kidding aside. That moment turned nostalgic, remembering days while we were in high school. We just spent our whole day reminiscing the past, talking, laughing, giggling and teasing on who needs a memo plus or an arthro. Haha. I really cherished those moments. I miss you friends!

I am linking this to Nostalgia. Please visit other entries for more nostalgic moment. The host of this weekly meme is Beautiful Rose of Nostalgic Marveling.


Perfect Getaway

Are you looking for perfect getaway? You can enjoy a cool and breezy environment in one of the Lochgoilhead Lodges available in a very affordable price. There are many activities in the resort where a family will surely enjoy like badminton, bowling, tennis and other outdoor activities. You can either explore the area by foot or rent a bike and enjoy the stunning view of the park. If you love natural parks or simply a resort overlooking the nature, then this place is for you. Enjoy and feel the nature! Book a vacation now and experience one unforgettable moment in your life.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The Rainmakers.
Watch them live on February 18, 2011 at the Music Museum.

Outdoor Advertisement

Do you think that putting up an eye catching logo design inside your establishment is enough in your marketing strategy? Take a look at this. In putting up a business, you should not focus only on the design or logo inside but also more on outdoor advertisement. Many businesses should consider putting up this kind of marketing strategy to reach the customers who are out of their marketplace. Some use bumper stickers in a car, cloth banners, vinyl banners, door hangers and other outdoor advertisement. If you are caught in a traffic for hours and stuck yourself in front of one establishment, an advertisement like a car sticker definitely would give you a big impact or a catch on a product. The owner must be smart putting up such kind of print, broadcast or electronic media. There are many kinds of effective outdoor advertisement that will give you more points in marketing your product.

Dear Husband

A cash as a Valentine's gift is not really bad. Thank you. :) btw, dark chocolate is not also bad to my health.

Just so you know what I want for a chocolate. I posted a photo here, the chocolate from Uncle Rolls who came home for a vacation last month. If you have a spare time, please buy more of this and take more dark chocolates when you come home this summer, thank you!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Conquer the Heights

While we were at the adventure area in Tagaytay, we decided to just take a cable car instead of the zip line. I am afraid of heights but I tried the ride anyway because it is guaranteed 100% safe, besides we can ride in a group unlike in zip line where you would swing in by yourself with a speed of 60km/hour. They say it is a safe ride but looking at the shackles and only the locks to hold, makes me scream even for people who tried themselves above. Funny that I was the only one screaming at the cable car but I managed to take a picture with my hands shaking. I think it's good if I try it even once, try the zip line by myself and overcome my fear of heights. I believe that becoming fear forever is the greatest mistake in life.


Tagaytay is perfect place for family day trip with just an hour and half away from Manila.
Aside from the cool weather, the place is perfect for those who are looking for adventures like boating, trekking and Zipline. The place is perfect alternative to Baguio City with 365 days of cool weather.

I want an iphone 4!

I am not really a cellphone addict. When I need to talk to anyone or send message, I use internet as my way of communication. Being a work at home mom, you will always find me online, almost if not 24 hours. I only need a cell phone whenever I go to our home province where internet is slow that I can't even browse a page. Now that summer is coming, I want an iphone 4 with a mobile broadband capability and bigger sensor camera where I can use to work online even when I'm at the beach or in any summer getaway. I hope that husband reads this post. I badly needed a cellphone where I can blog even when I'm in a remote area.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Dangwa, a popular place for its flower shops is such a busy street yesterday. I've seen many people with bouquet of flowers, stuff toys and balloons. I witnessed the smile in their face and the excitement in their eyes while having those flowers ready to give to their loved ones. I forgot to bring the camera and missed to capture Dangwa during Valentine's day! The picture in this post is a small stuff given to me by my daughter when she arrived home from school yesterday. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

My entry for Ruby Tuesday.
Please visit other entries by clicking on the link above.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Boat Ride

While we were at the park yesterday, there were walking advertisements saying "boat for hire and trek at Taal Volcano." I didn't pay much attention or even inquire about the rate because it's useless as I have this fear of water. It is not only the water that I'm scared of but also the heights but I still love adventures. We tried the cable car and not the zip line where it only takes few seconds to be at the other end. I screamed seeing ourselves 300 feet off the ground. I was not exaggerating but I really hold my breath for a while. I would love to try boating too but only in gondola canal or the norfolk broads complete with life vest and a prayer to guide us during the tour. I have been drowned twice in my life but I survived anyway. The next time we visit Tagaytay, I would invite friends for a boat ride. I hope by that time, if not completely, I have slowly conquered my fear of water.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Short Hair?

I've been thinking lately of going to salon for a new hairstyle. What do you think? I'm so bored already with having the same hair style over and over again. I just can't stand to have the same hair style for more than a year. So shall I sport a new hair cut now? Let's see what my mind dictates me so. Tomorrow is valentine's day and I'm going to see David, I mean David's Salon. He's known for its international standard and I love how their staff accommodates the customer. I'll post my pic soon, and that is if I stick to my plan. If you knew me, you wouldn't be surprised if you see me in curly hair and not the short style that I've wanted for my hair.

I am good at picking my model for my hair. =)

photo credit: internet

Develop your Child's Talent

When your child has such a gift or talent like drawing, painting or whatever your child wants to do, give your child as much love and support as you can to enhance or to build such gift. Picture shown below is Angel Hukom. At an early age, her parents noticed her artistic talent, the gift of painting and supported her all the way. During parenTin event, Angel was given on the spot painting and I was totally amazed how this little hands finish such a work of art like a real pro.

Shown above are her previous works while other paintings have already been sold.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nostalgia #39 Hairstyle

I was feeling nostalgic the other day. I asked my daughter while we were at David Salon about the hairstyle that she wanted. She was very OC and even asked the staff the catalogue and the picture of what she wanted for her hair. Although she wanted it short, (but not exactly as the photo shown below) she agreed and just let the hairstylist decides on what style suits her best. I looked for this photo in our old album to show her how she looks like sporting a short hair.

in long hair

in short hair

I am linking this to Nostalgia this week. Please visit other entries for more nostalgic moment. The host of this weekly meme is Beautiful Rose of Nostalgic Marveling.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cancer Prevention

Many people are not really aware about the cancer and how it is being prevented. Oftentimes, they discover this sickness already in late stage. Although some cancer can be treated these days when earlier diagnosed, still prevention is the best way from spreading this kind of disease. Cancer oftentimes discover at the last stage since most cancer shows no symptoms at all. Just like mesothelioma, you cannot detect this sickness since it shares many symptoms like other type of cancer. I just read it in an online news about the asbestos and how it contributes to this kind of sickness. If you work in a place where you are exposed to this kind of hazardous material to your health, the chance of having mesothelioma is big. You should take series of test to determine whether you carry this kind of sickness. It is hard to think that you discover it when it is already in a critical stage where it becomes difficult to be treated or worst, there's no longer an option to be cured. You should check mesothelioma prognosis and gather more info about this kind of disease.

Travel Plus Magazine

I was declutering the house this afternoon and saw this magazine in my loot bag. I quickly browsed the page and after reading few pages, I just thought of sharing this very interesting and informative magazine. In magazine's year end issue, November - December 2010, they feature Kidapawan known as the city of the fruits and highland springs.

Travel Plus magazine features travel tips, travel events, culture and arts and other stories from travelers including guides, tips and budget advice. Though it focused on travel, food trip page spiced up my taste for a magazine. Reading magazine mostly occupies my time when I'm off from blogging. Grab your copy now!

Safety and Work Gloves

It gets me irritated sometimes because of the noise and dust coming from the road construction near to our house. It gives me so much headache and I can't focus much with my task. What only consoles me is the expected convenience it will give us as soon as the construction is done. The road has been impassable for almost a month now and I learned that it will take another three months to finish. I was bothered when I went outside as I noticed few construction men working without any safety outfit including work gloves. It isn't safe for them especially the one assigned in areas where they need to lift heavy hand tools and other materials for construction. They should wear gloves to protect their hands and to enhance their grip as well. I wonder if they have enough budget for safety outfit. Don't they know it is really a must to wear such? I hope that the person in charge will take a look at the safety of these men on the road.

Occasions of Joy 1st Blog Anniversary

The first time I met Joy was last year during J and J event held at Eastwood. She's actually the first blogger that I met personally. On February 20, 2011, Joy will be celebrating her first blog anniversary and is planning for a mommy bloggers meet up. The venue of the event can accommodate 50 mommy bloggers only. If you wish to be a part of this event, you can avail 1 ticket by following the steps below.

1. Publicly follow and subscribe to her blog:
2. Ask ten (10) of your friends, family, office mates to publicly follow and subscribe to her blogs
3. When they have successfully followed and subscribed, they must comment: followed and subscribed, referred by----
4. When you have completed the 10 referrals, email her at with your name, cellphone number, the names of your referrals and their email addresses for validation.

Definitely, I will be attending and I don't want to miss the event. Please follow and subscribe her blog and tell her you were referred by me. See you all mommies!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Too Cute

Spotted dogs roaming around the mall and thought of giving our dog a nice spa and hair color too. What d'ya think?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Micro SD for my Daughter

I am thinking of upgrading my desktop because I oftentimes use my daughter's laptop and find it more convenient when I'm home and doing a multitasking job. And since there are valentine's sales this month, I would also like to grab the opportunity to buy her a micro sd. She is requesting for this because all her school projects are needed to be in one flash drive and all her files cannot be stored in small memory capacity drive. We've been using one flash drive since then and I thought of purchasing one for her. In this technology age, USB drives are a must for a modern student like her. I must buy her maybe a 16-gigabyte so she won't have any excuses anymore why she wasn't able to finish a certain project in school. With that, all her files will have an ample storage and hope this will help her a lot in her studies.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nostalgia 38: Three Years Ago

She has a chubby round face when she was nine years old. Notice the bruised part in her knees. She fell from the third step of the stairs. She didn't want me to take her a photo obviously shown in her frown face. This was taken in Laguna while we were having our vacation.

Today, she looks like a full grown adult already, but no, she's not even a teen yet. My older daughter will officially be a teenager by May of this year of metal rabbit.

I am linking this to Nostalgia this week. Please visit other entries for more nostalgic moment. The host of this weekly meme is Beautiful Rose of Nostalgic Marveling.


Finding a Job Online

Finding a job could become a nightmare if you don't have the luck. Many people think this way and give up their dream job after failing many times in the interview. For some, submitting a resume without receiving a feedback or going on a difficult, sweaty and face to face interview is a disappointment already. But don't you think that luck can be achieved if you believe in yourself and push that dream to become true. Of course, nothing will really happen if you just sit in the couch the whole day waiting for your luck to come. Today that online jobs are available in one click, one can find his dream job without spending much of his time and money. Isn't this a luck already? There are many opportunities online like merchandiser jobs that are ready to be filled up. Such an easy job search these days! Start hunting for a job online now. This year might be the lucky year for you.