Saturday, June 4, 2011

Color Connection #1 Summer Dress


I got these summer dress from Kultura Filipino store for my daughter and my SIL. I picked this because of the great combination of color. I like the blending of black with colorful print. It stands out from the rest.

Did you see the other summer dress in the mannequin. This is the summer dress at the above pic. It was just rolled into a style. BTW, thanks to my MIL for the dress. :) My first entry to Color Connection. Please join us every Saturday as we share color of our choice. Just link your entry and put the badge above.


  1. Good morning Tita, thank you so much for joining! I think Mommy will love to have one of those beautiful summer dress too.

  2. lovely summer dress ;)

    hope to see you!

  3. Wow, that's very creatve how they fold that sis. My little miss is selling me out lol. Thanks for joining sis.

  4. I like the combination too.
    Here's my entry . Hope you can also join us at my hosted meme Messy Go Round. This week's link is still open. Thanks and have a great week!

  5. same the combination too..
    Visiting from Color Connection.. here is my
    Color Connection entry...
    Hope you can join my Orange Tuesdays meme this Tuesday sis..Have a nice day!

  6. pretty summer dress...:) would be lovely to have one. have a great week! :)

  7. ay ang ganda ng pagkaka tupi..lukot lukot ;D
