Saturday, July 2, 2011

Nostalgia #59: Old and New Boxes

Husband hates me for having too many clutters in the house. But what can I do if I want to keep all those cute stuff in the house. Besides, he can do nothing, he lives miles away from my mess. See these old and new boxes? I have kept them for years already. This is where I put all my stuff like accessories and other things. The yellow one is a box from Victoria Secret perfume set that my MIL gave me a couple of years ago. I just can't let go of this one. Isn't this too pretty for trash?

I am linking this to Nostalgia. Please visit other entries for more nostalgic moment. The host of this weekly meme is Beautiful Rose of Nostalgic Marveling.



  1. too pretty to throw them away...ako din dami kung trash...mahirap mag let go...ehehehe!

  2. Cute boxes like is sure for keeps sis. Thanks for linking up once again and I apologize for my late visit. Supah busy ovah here kasi hehehehe..

  3. same here, I also keep those boxes. Usable naman eh :)

    Please join Mom-ME time, linky is up!

  4. ay ang kyut naman mng mga boxes ;D
