Friday, February 17, 2012

My Special Valentine

I was glad that Mcdo's new branch in Forbes has bouquet of flowers in each table on Valentine's Day. Okay, I'm not sure if they have it everyday or they have it for newly renovated and relaunched branch. I saw almost, if not all dining students from nearby university with flowers and cute stuff and Mcdo just made me feel as if I got mine too, it's just that, the bouquet's for everybody else dining. Lol

Daughter came late in our meet up. I already ordered food for us because I was too hungry and my growling tummy couldn't wait anymore for another minute. It was past 1pm already. We headed Manila Eye Specialist for her eye check up and contact lens prescription afterwards.

Thank you Mcdo for the flowers although I couldn't take them home, still I felt I that those flowers were mine on Valentine's Day. That's the only flowers I got on Valentine's Day. How special! :)



  1. sweet flower with Mc do
    Hope you could visit me here Wifey Online Diary

  2. Awwww good job on McDo for making the customers special on valentine's day!

    You can link this up on shadow shot Sunday sis hehehe.

    Thank you for joining Color Connection. You can see more here

  3. so cute pag ang la date mo ay mga dalagita mo n ano? kme ni ishi naaaliw ako pag nag de date n kme ang dami ng kuwento :)) ahhaha ang kuwento nya for girls only ahha akasi magagalit ang daddy :))

  4. One very late visit via CC. Lovely flowers even though you didn't get to take them home. At least you had a great day on Vday! :) Visiting!

    Adin B

  5. beautiful flower Sis :-) Visiting late from Color Connection, hope that you can return the visit too.

  6. That's a great idea from McDo. It's good that they're going the extra mile for their customer. I love those flowers. late visit here for CC.
