Sunday, February 12, 2012

Right Choice for Future Career

By next year, my older daughter will be graduating from secondary school. She's still undecided whether to take tourism or medical related course. Sometimes she sees herself as a flight attendant but when she saw her cousin in different colors of nursing uniforms, she quickly changed her mind and wants to be like her too.

She looks up to her cousin and I know that a big factor in making a decision would surely be coming from whoever is around her. It seemed like only yesterday when I made a post about preparing her to secondary school both emotional and physical aspect.

In choosing a course, always consider the high and low points in grades. Transcript that is. If your daughter/son is good in Math, it is not necessarily that she will become interested in engineering or course with this subject. Senior high school students are usually given some answering questions and orientation to determine what suitable course to take. Taking what course to take is a big decision making that should be given enough assessment to make the right choice in college life and future career.

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