Here are some tips I would like to share for summer job seekers. First, have your resume ready with all the details and information outlined neatly. It doesn't need to be too lengthy. You may check the website on how to create a better curriculum vitae. If you just graduated from college and have no experience yet, go to a company that offers a minimum requirement in which you think you will be qualified. Not all the institution hire the experienced employee though. Others are willing to train the new ones. Be ready with the reference and make sure that you pass the background check as your passport in getting to the next step.
The rate of unemployment gets higher so it is better be tough and get the edge on how to get hired. You need to be at your best. You don't need to impress the employer. Just be yourself and be honest with your response. You also need to do a little research about the company you are applying for. You may also practice some potential answer to some spontaneous job interview questions too. Goodluck.
yay!!! great tip! looking for a job is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life!