Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Olympic Game 2012 Opening in London

The Olympic game that officially launches today in London, England will create thousands of opportunity to those people with selling business particularly the  souvenir items like lapel pin, mugs, shirts and bags. If  I would be given a chance to be  in the Olympic crowd, I would take lots of photos especially the Football Superstar David Beckham who was among the final torchbearers carrying the Olympic torch.    Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie and US First Lady Michelle Obama were among the VIPs and some 120 national leaders who graced the event.   The long and meticulous preparation for the main event paid off  with the goose bump performance and grand opening ceremony that just happened today!   I am one of the billions of  people who will  watch  the sports show on  TV.  Although  British capital  and Olympic stadium  is  a thousand miles away,   I'll get  more  live  updates  and news  from online website.

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