Saturday, September 22, 2012

Ayala Land Career Opportunities

Basic qualifications:

Graduate of any 4 year course or about to graduate
- pending to graduation ceremony (Advance Hiring)

   - must have finished at least 84 academic units
   - preferably with sales background

Strong interpersonal skills
- engaging and ability to establish rapport
-  interactive

Average - AA communication skills
- can relay ideas clearly
- average thought organization

Amenability to Sales Activities
- Booth Manning
- flyering
- working on extended hours
- leads saturation
- networking


Enjoy generous commision of up to P2,000,000 per individual sale based on contract price plus a monthly operating fund or allowance and other cash incentives on a monthly and quarterly basis.

All expense local and international trips
Gadgets, Entertainment Showcase, Cash and Cars.

For more details, please email:


  1. WOW! I wonder if that job could work for me???

  2. I love the 2M commission part, but not the requirement to give out flyers in polluted Manila :) I might already die of lung cancer before I can even get hold of a 1M commission :D
