Friday, December 14, 2012

Holidays and Stress

Holidays mean  shopping, gift wrapping, partying, food preparing  and  more.  In this over tight schedule, you need to  allocate more time and budget in this time of the year.  It should be all happiness  but  people seem to  face holiday stress instead.

But why?

Let's start with the party.  If you are not ready for the party and you do your shopping very late, most likely you'll pick only  gifts that are generic.  You can keep the stress out in the list  if you just prepare  it early on.  Shop as early as you can and plan ahead of time.

If you face trouble and if problems come your way in this time of the year, just shrug if off and move on.  It's sad to say that sometimes worst  time comes during  month of   December.  If it happens, leave the stress behind, stay strong and continue with life, move on.

Before even the holiday kicks in,  start your healthy diet  to prepare yourself  for some unavoidable calories and cholesterol   to inject into your body.

Stick to your budget. Before you put the gifts into your cart, check   if  you can afford them  and if  they still  fit  into your budget.   Talk to the members of the family  about the  food to prepare for noche buena. In this case, you won't waste your  money for the food that they don't like.

Exercise. Go to the gym because physical activities really help to relieve your mental stress.   But if the stress really get into your nerves,  easy..  go and  do some yoga.  There are some other ways to cope with this stress.  A yoga dvd will surely make it easier for you  without spending a single penny  for gas.

Lastly if you are facing a really bad stress, better seek a professional help because stress can cause many physical illness and problems to your body. 


  1. i prepared early. i started making handmade gifts as soon as the -ber months came, hehe...

  2. Holidays are quite stressful but they are also fun!
