Friday, July 12, 2013

Occasions of Joy on GMA NewsTV's Pop Talk!


Joy  of   will  be one of  the guest reviewers  of   Pop Talk  on  July  23,  Tuesday, @10pm  on   GMA News TV.      Pop Talk  will be at  university belt  for  restaurant  review.   Would  it  be  pop or  flop?   Please  watch  and  find   out    the best restaurants that  would be given  the highest  points   from  Pop  reviewers,   Joy Mendiola,    Bettina Carlos  and  Louie Benoza  with  host  Tonipet.

Let me take this space to  greet   the very joyful mom,   Joy  Mendiola of,  celebrating  40th  birthday today,    HAPPY  HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 

1 comment:

  1. You should be getting ready now ha. Para when it's your sched to shoot na you're comfortable looking and talking at the cam.

    Thanks for posting and promoting PopTalk!
