Thursday, August 22, 2013

Music Makes me Feel Nostalgic

I  feel nostalgic with the photo above.   This was taken  last Christmas  eve  when we went to a  mall nearby to  hunt   for  the best shopping  items.   There was an area inside the mall with  a free concert  that  entertained  shoppers who just got tired from their shopping activities.   The concert  was such a  great relief  for  tired   legs and body  that just  got  exhausted  from walking.  We  planned to just  stop  by  for a moment   but   we stayed longer  because  we  were  totally entertained by the lady  in her own mesmerizing  violin  rendition accompanied by a woman in keyboards  with a guy next to her,  not captured with my camera though and was totally impressed  with their performances.  It was truly a relaxing concert.  Certainly music brings a certain kind of feeling that brings me back to the old times,    very nostalgic.

For music lovers, this opportunity of seeing  great musicians  on stage is one awesome  moment   that  is truly captivating.  This concert  was held  for   free.  I  was  glad  I stopped  by,    hummed with the song and  enjoyed the   moment.  It  was  Christmas eve and that scene  just made  the season very  Christmassy.

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