Monday, January 27, 2014

What Goodbye Means

Probably, the saddest word to search in your dictionary is the word "goodbye."  From urban dictionary,  goodbye is the second worst word in human word-list.   Now for the first, I leave that for you to search.   I hate this word  goodbye and who loves it?  But sometimes we just need to get on through this for new hope because goodbye doesn't always mean letting go but  giving enough space for  new hope and unknown future.

I have a heavy intro to my post when all I want to  blog is my garage sale.  It smoothly rhymes anyway.   Yesterday, I sorted my old stuff  which are not really  needed  and only eat big spaces in my  box.  They're just there for years and served  no purpose at all.

And I hate letting go of this brand, CK.  There's always something there to remind me.  Yeah, that's part of a  song. This authentic red CK shirt which I got many years ago, probably around 13 years, was only  used for at least four times while the khaki short pants was already big and worn out.   Now, these ones are now ready for goodbye. 

Already sorted out old shirts, shoes  and pants and these are now packed neatly for a purpose. These are just only a  few in my items and just  keeping be burdened. 

The tiniest camera that I haven't used yet for review which  I think it would only be in a box for many years to come, waiting to accumulate  dust and rust. 

Yesterday, I felt so stressed while  I randomly picked  the old stuff, shoes, old scarf, shirts  and everything inside my drawer,  including  things  that have sentimental value but I rarely  use.  Now,  I have enough space for better ones.    I guess I  should live my life one day at a time from now on. 

I hope these items find a new owner that may be of good use and purpose to them as well.

Now, I'm off for a garage sale leaving enough air for my drawer. Goodbye.

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