Monday, February 24, 2014

Shirtless in an Epic Concert

I turned green with envy  seeing my blogger friends timeline with the most popular American rock band,  Red Hot Chilli Pepper in  an epic concert last night. They posted their videos at the concert and  I saw the band members performing shirtless?  I am not particular of how this band really perform.  I was  just wondering  if they really do that  in all their performances.  But yeah,  they're really hot like chilli pepper. They're  just so energetic.  The band is planning to work on their 11th album this  month. I wanted to watch them  if there is a repeat performance.  Some local bands were also present.  I wanted to leave a comment  for the local band  if they need guitars?   I was just wondering because the audience seemed to ask for more  but  the instrument seemed to break them  or  maybe  because I just happened to watch them on YouTube and  the   venue's right there  in an open field.  

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