Friday, April 11, 2014

Count Your Blessings, Not Calories

"Count your blessings,  not calories."

I say it both.  I count my blessings and calories.

This post might be overly late  which should have been posted  a long time ago.  I've been on my emo state lately  which gives me a good excuse to  lose weight.  It only takes me sleepless nights to gain back my desired weight. Half kidding.  I just use this state to motivate me.   Physical fitness follows with only a little sweating and I'll be back in shape.  :)

School year has just finished and  two weeks have already  gone away from  our  three month long summer break.   My  older daughter  did well in the last semester  where she got  flat  1 and  1.5  grades in four  subjects.   Should  I call her genius now?   Could be,  only  if  Math is included.   For all you know,  she hates it.   Should it have been  1  too,  she would have the  sem average  that  I couldn't imagine.  Still, It's a blessing for passing the freshman year with flying colors.

My new blog design is from Squeesome Designs.  So clean,  just  the way I like it.  My old  layout has three columns. I tried to tweak my blog but it only caused my html template into trouble.  I  then commissioned   the expert,  Kaye of,   for new design which  has  two columns now  to give more  space for my photos.  I  simply love it!   Thank you so much, Kaye!

I woke up on the right side of bed today and will take advantage to it  by  writing  before everything  run away from my mind.

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