Monday, April 14, 2014

I miss Bogart too

I featured  Max  here,  the dog we met  during  our  trip last summer.  I highlighted my story while he was crying with  his eyes in tears,  swam towards  us and followed  our boat  as we left.   He accompanied us throughout the day at the resort.


Another dog  named Bogart, probably in his senior year kept us company but he hardly moved due to his age.  He couldn't run anymore. When he walked, he seemed like his body was too heavy and  appeared to be retiring.   He probably needs  this dog supplement  so he could do his job well,  I mean, entertaining visitors with some of his  tricks.
Do you still remember  Max here?  That scene below  summed up of  the  fun we had   during this travel. 


  1. I am not a dog person but I can relate to cats. When I see strays I feed them I just can't resist

  2. i love dogs.. they are very loyal pets.. and reading your post makes me miss my dogs who passed away ...

  3. i am not an animal lover kind of person haha though i care about animals and im against to any mistreating or dangerous things humans can do to animals. it is nice that you enjoyed the company of this dogs

  4. Bogart and Max both look friendly.

  5. Dogs are nice because they can still remembers you even you parted for a long time and they are always there to protect you specially when other dogs bark at you.. They will automatically be at your side and bark back,

  6. We used to have 2 pet dogs but we stopped having them when my daughter Gwen was born.

  7. awww Max really loved your company :)

  8. Sweet dogs! I only admire dogs from afar because in reality, I'm afraid of getting bitten by them!
