Thursday, September 18, 2014

Every Journey Begins with Walking

We came early to school for my daughter's California Standard test (CST). The husband dropped us to school at 7:30am before he went to office which is too early for my daughter's 8:30 scheduled exam. The distance from home to school takes only about 2 mins drive without a traffic and probably about thirty minutes on foot.

The exam started as scheduled. I was advised to pick up my daughter after three hours but I just opted to stay at cafeteria while waiting.  Three  long hours of  waiting just proves how a car  becomes a necessity. If I have my license,  I can  just drive easily and stay home comfortably for the time  being. Okay, I just found a quote that I may consider so I'll be safe on the road.

The pedestrian is all ours. I saw no one walking.  Aside from completing all the IDs in my hand before I start to work, I should have my drivers license too which is also a requirement for employment no matter what nature of  job is.

1 comment:

  1. walking will also help in losing those unwanted weight. lakad ng lakad ha.
