Friday, May 19, 2017

Ring that bell lady!

When I posted a video of myself  with this caption "the lady is about to ring the bell,"  I got private messages congratulating me of winning a car from the raffle. Haha. Funny how the message sounded to me.  I posted it to give myself two thumbs up. All my working weekends were paid off.   You know what it means  when  you ring that bell from this dealership. It's their way of announcing a business where everybody in the sales office give you attention. So to myself, Congratulations,   I truly deserved it! Winning a raffle would be nice too and I wish so, but it's an achievement and grinning from ear to ear in the vid clip means that I checked one of my mid-term goals just on time where I intended to tick. Did I say I got a Grand Touring?  And that connects  goals in my life. Work.Save. Travel. Enjoy. Repeat.  Yes!  Before you react,  I can't be humble here.

Anyways, posting below is a photo during our vacation in Palm Springs. It's an overdue post again but here are some photos to speak rather than a wordy post.


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